the second concert was amazing and perfect in every way, just like the first performance. there were a few minor differences, and two major differences between the two. the minor differences included slightly different dances and lyrics.
the concert began with the intro track from solar playing, along with a video showing taeyang entering the concert hall. the lights dimmed. the fangirls screamed. and then, slowly, a white circle was lowered down onto the center of the stage. taeyang, dressed in a quite bling-y white outfit with his signature aviators, was standing in the circle. he stepped onto the stage and the band began to play the opening notes of 기도 [prayer]. i screamed enthusiastically--기도 is my favorite taeyang song.
my one criticism is that he sang the song "you're my" which i absolutely and utterly despise because it is pretty much the worst song ever [ok, so maybe not...but it's not good]. although, i will admit that hearing it live is approximatly one million times better than hearing the recording. also, when taeyang sang "you're my" he was looking pretty spiffy [and by "spiffy" i mean "hott"] in a suit.
the best outfits [worn by taeyang and his backup dancers] were, in my opinion, the ones worn during the songs "superstar" and "breakdown" [<--my favorite song from solar]. they looked like part of a drum line: red military style jackets with white pants worn by the guys, and the girls wore the red jackets with red miniskirts, white boots, and red hats with a white poofy feather on the front. sooo cool.
actually, "breakdown" was probably my favorite performance during the show. i lovelovelove the song, the outfits were amazing, and the choreography was excellent. also, taeyang just looked like he was having a lot of fun during that song.
IU was there as a guest performer both nights. [she's so cute.] she and taeyang sang a duet, and then she sang a solo song. both songs were in english. [taeyang sang 2 other songs in english as well during the concert.] it was quite impressive.
he ended the concert with a remixed version of 나만 바라봐 [only look at me]. sooo amazing. after finishing the song, he walked off the stage and the lights dimmed. but the audience wanted more, screaming for an encore for several minutes. suddenly, the band began to play once again, and taeyang came back [as we all knew he would]! he sang "where u at" and "take it slow"--a perfect encore. "take it slow" is a song written by taeyang himself, and is absolutely gorgeous live; it suits his voice so perfectly [and that boy can sing].
both the saturday and sunday show were like that...but, on sunday...
...OH.MY.GOSH. 2NE1 was there!! they are definitely my favorite of the kpop girl groups, and they sang 2 songs off of their new album: "can't nobody" and "go away".
also on sunday...
i went running back into the concert hall. some security people said something to me, but i didn't listen. i didn't care. all i knew was that taeyang was walking back onto the stage and i was absolutely going to be there to see it. due to my quickness and stealth, i found myself FREAKING EIGHT FEET from the stage and from taeyang himself. OH.MY.GOSH. i nearly died.
also--and importantly--i'm pretty sure that taeyang saw the sign i made. [결혼하고 싶어요 "i want to marry you".] me and my sign also [briefly] made it onto the screen during the second encore ANNDDD, before the concert, me and my sign were filmed by someone from some tv show. which means that my plan of making bigbang aware of my existence is moving along quite nicely. excellent.
during the second encore, taeyang sang 나만 바라봐 and "take it slow". during 나만 바라봐, he let the audience sing the chorus, and it was beautiful and wonderful and amazing and perfect. i really didn't want it to end.

the concert hall at kyunghee university.

me and my famous sign...with taeyang ^^

coleen, allison, and me...sooo ready for the saturday night performance

at the sunday night show...the crown headband is totally legit [it's bigbang's symbol]
i was THAT close during the second encore on sunday--EEEEKKKK~!

OH.MY.GOSHHHHH. [i stole this picture from coleen ㅋㅋㅋ]