now, before i start with my review i feel compelled to state that i absolutely adore bigbang and each of it's 5 members. but G-Dragon and T.O.P have always been my favorites. i think that everything GD does is fireeee: he's a talented singer/rapper/songwriter. i mean, i'll occasionally question his fashion choices [umm, GD, what's with the black skirt you're wearing in the heartbreaker video? and seriously, what's with the new hair? you look like "my little pony". for real.] nonetheless, i'd still consider him to be a fashionista and all-around cool guy. and then there's T.O.P. sigh. i freaking love him. i mean, i'd buy tickets to an event called "T.O.P standing on stage doing absolutely nothing for 3 hours". oh yeah. and if he did a song called "T.O.P singing the phone book", i'd more than likely think it was the awesomest thing ever. seriously. i want to marry this guy.
okay. all that being said, there is absolutely no way in the world that i can write a review completely devoid of personal bias. but i will definitely try my hardest, dear readers^^
i liked the cd before i even opened it. [based on purely aesthetic reasons, obvi.] it's black and simple, with a gold/paisley "playboy bunny" on the front. [i've also seen pink and silver bunny cases.] it's sleek, classy, simple--while at the same time being ostentatious and blingblingy. it's like GD&T.O.P are saying "hey, we're bad boys...but look how cool and smooth we are." it seems to fit their image quite well. the cd itself is really pretty and colorful-->like. and the album art...i really can't comment on this without being biased: i like anything that's a picture of GD or T.O.P, regardless of the crazy outfits/makeup they are wearing. [and there are some fashion disasters in these pictures...mostly just the weird fur makes GD look like a woman.] ps~~the cd also came with a poster. it's pretty much the hottest thing ever.
ok, now on to the music!
intro: the cd starts off with an engaging old school beat with a deep voice shouting "brothers and sisters!" it gets me pumped up and excited everytime. in the first verse, GD sings about how awesome he is [literally, the lyrics are about how everyone wants/loves him], and in the second verse, T.O.P takes over to rap about how he's much different from what people think of him [classic bad boy...sigh]. and then at the end, GD introduces all of the songs in a really cute way. [ps~~when you're as smoking hott as GD and T.O.P, you can totally get away with singing songs about being awesome. it's not cocky if it's truth.]
high high: this song has been rocking the korean airwaves since it's release on the digital single two weeks ago. it has a super dancey feel to it; the chorus is especially addicting. everytime i hear it [regardless of where i am] i just can't resist doing the dance to it. [seriously, i'm listening to it right now, and i even stopped typing just so i could dance.] anyways, the song is great. GD and T.O.P really compliment each other, vocally and stylistically [is that even a word??]. it's so great to finally hear them as a bigbang sub-unit. also, i have no idea what "ghetto electro" means, but i fully intend on using it in daily conversation.
oh yeah: this song features 박봄 [park bom] from 2NE1. her voice is so beautiful on this song. the 3 of them blend so well together--the chorus sounds amazing. definitely no complaints about this song.
집에 가지마 [don't go home]: this song has a total 80s pop-ish feel to it. T.O.P's rap works really well when paired with GD's high, melodic voice during the chorus.
baby good night: everything about this song is sexy. it starts with a girl's voice, speaking in french. [and it confirmed my sneaking suspicion that GD is totally in to french girlsㅋㅋ] GD's voice sounds really good on this track. especially on the chorus--his high voice singing "baby good night" against T.O.P's husky "don't wanna say goodbye"--wow. just wow. and then the song ends with the same girl speaking in french. the whole track is
뻑이가요 [knock out]: this is easily my favorite track on the entire cd. the rap is tight. and the beat...holy crap, the beat. it's just sounds so raw and fresh. this song perfectly suits T.O.P's deep voice, and it's amazing. the only thing more amazing than listening to it on the cd is seeing it performed live. the song is so fun, and the bass is so tight during the live performance. everything about this song is absolute fire.
oh mom [T.O.P solo]: this song is a huge change from 뻑이가요 so it's kind of strange that it follows that on the cd. anyways, i was kind of worried when i heard that T.O.P would be singing a song. he always only raps or speaks during bigbang songs. i think he's sung like 30 seconds total. but, for a man whose voice so perfectly fits the very essence of rap music, he's actually quite good at singing rock. his deep, husky voice sounds really good on this song [but the lyrics are really sad].
악몽 [obsession//GD solo]: this is probably my 2nd favorite song on the cd. the chorus is so addicting, and i really love the beat and rhythm. it makes me wanna get up and dance! my only complaint: GD, you have a great voice~~why so much autotune?!?!
오늘따라 [today of all days//T.O.P solo]: gahhh, T.O.P's voice. enough said. [ps~~i love the part where he sings "i can do dat" ㅋㅋ]
어쩌란 말이냐? [what do you mean?//GD solo]: ok, not gonna lie. i absolutely did not like this song the first time i heard it. but, the more i listen, the more it has grown on me. it sounds like a hoedown. if i ever see this performed live, i fully expect GD to be wearing full cowboy get-up while square dancing around the stage. the best part is towards the end when GD says "가지마! [don't go!]" in a whiny voice--it's cute.
turn it up [T.O.P solo]: this song was officially released along with it's music video this past summer. so everyone's already heard it and knows that it's fire. and also that it has the greatest music video of all time--three and a half minutes of T.O.P looking super fine and doing things like: sitting in a giant coffee cup, playing piano on a girl's back, holding a gun, and doing the "baby bird" dance.
i definitely recommend purchasing this cd [support the artist]!!
opinions?? what do you think of the cd??