12 March 2010

a rose by any other name would smell as sweet...

...but if you call me by any other name, it's not my name.

this is what i feel like writing about today.

yesterday, there was a controversy amongst the teachers over the correct pronunciation of my name. in the end, i was called upon to end the dispute. which was right, they wanted to know: "mo-re-in-da" or "ma-rain-da". they were not pleased with my answer: "neither. it's mir-and-ah".

i repeated this several times, very slowly. they came to the final conclusion that i was, in fact, wrong. this i was told very vehemently several times.

it's good to know that, not only have i been saying my name wrong, but i've also been spelling it wrong. i was informed, in no uncertain terms, that m-i-r-a-n-d-a is NOT the correct way to spell my name.

in other news, i finally have my laptop up-and-running again. after one month without it. this is because, as i have mentioned in a previous post, dell SUCKS AT LIFE. luckily, fedex came through and decided to deliver the package with my operating system that they had been holding hostage since my computer died. after five hours of messing around with it, i figured out how to make a computer work. as well as put all my old programs back on it.


this just in: i also have a cyworld [aka korean facebook] for those of you who care. you can check me out here: www.cyworld.com/chippy

the end.

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