29 March 2010

so i'm not sure what it is about this that makes it so hott...

...but i'm thinking it's the eyes...

...or the voice.

that's my future husband right there

25 March 2010

so this week...

this past week, i nearly died from the swine flu. but i'm ok now.


school lunch this week has been exceptionally terrible. on monday, we had what i can only assume to have been pepto bismol flavored yogurt. yesterday, we had rice with what appeared to be rotting bean sprouts in it. and today we had fish. yum. except not at all.

pictured: monday's lunch.

this week, i also made a very important discovery: g-dragon plays the piano.

this single piece of information bumped him up an infinite number of hott points, according to the very scientific and not-at-all shallow "miranda scale of attractiveness". ohh yess.

the most attractive guy on the planet?? perhaps...

also, allison and i acquired tickets to see...TAEYANG.

i should add that they are in the FREAKING FRONT ROW.

would it be bad to get deported for jumping on the stage??

15 March 2010

umm yes, please

finding this was the highlight of my day. clearly, it doesn't take much to make me happy...

it's the newest music video from bigbang. from their cell phone ad. this is the cellphone that i want...

t.o.p is the one wearing the glasses. and g-dragon is the one wearing the smiley face shirt. and they are beautiful. and i plan on marrying one [or both] of them someday. except not really...


12 March 2010

a rose by any other name would smell as sweet...

...but if you call me by any other name, it's not my name.

this is what i feel like writing about today.

yesterday, there was a controversy amongst the teachers over the correct pronunciation of my name. in the end, i was called upon to end the dispute. which was right, they wanted to know: "mo-re-in-da" or "ma-rain-da". they were not pleased with my answer: "neither. it's mir-and-ah".

i repeated this several times, very slowly. they came to the final conclusion that i was, in fact, wrong. this i was told very vehemently several times.

it's good to know that, not only have i been saying my name wrong, but i've also been spelling it wrong. i was informed, in no uncertain terms, that m-i-r-a-n-d-a is NOT the correct way to spell my name.

in other news, i finally have my laptop up-and-running again. after one month without it. this is because, as i have mentioned in a previous post, dell SUCKS AT LIFE. luckily, fedex came through and decided to deliver the package with my operating system that they had been holding hostage since my computer died. after five hours of messing around with it, i figured out how to make a computer work. as well as put all my old programs back on it.


this just in: i also have a cyworld [aka korean facebook] for those of you who care. you can check me out here: www.cyworld.com/chippy

the end.

10 March 2010


i love this video for so many reasons.

and, even though it's an "old" song, i'm still obsessed with it.

first, it's bigbang, so it's awesome by default.
second, they're singing in english, which is pretty hott. and g-dragon has a really attractive-sounding english voice. [t.o.p's voice is always attractive-sounding.]
third, they stole my dance move for the chorus. look closely, and you'll see what i call "the angry badger dance". this means that, not only have i been doing a legit dance all these years, but i'm also kind of like a trendsetter.

09 March 2010


i am thoroughly convinced that dell was invented by and is manufactured by the devil. or by terrorists.

this picture, i think, explains it all.

just say "no".

05 March 2010

this week...

[i'm gonna leave out all of the computer drama, or else this post will be nothing more than an angry rant.]

this week was the first week of the new school year. weird, because i have 300 new 3rd graders, my 5th graders are grown-up 6th graders, and my 6th graders are gone.

since monday was a holiday, tuesday marked the first day of class. except not really, because i didn't actually have any classes that day. this is because tuesday was called "opening ceremonies". really, korea? this is not the olympics...

since there was no class on monday or tuesday, my school decided that it would be a good idea to cram 17 english classes in to 3 days. also, i feel like i should mention that i've been teaching 6th graders all week.

i also have 3 new coteachers, who all seem to be pretty awesome. even though i've only worked with one so far. also, my school now has a few people who are my age, which is even awesomer.

so class this week has been pretty low-key [aka great]. except for the time i told my kids to introduce themselves to the new teacher, ms. lee, and one boy told her that english makes him vomit...in english.

at the end of a different class, a boy stood up and said "i am teacher miranda". and then proceeded to walk around the class saying "i like t.o.p. i like t.o.p. i like bigbang. i like t.o.p". which was definitely hilarious...but definitely not accurate. maybe.

since my school no longer has an english classroom, my desk has been moved to the 6th grade teachers' office, which is shared by 14 people. this gives the other teachers ample time to stare at me, and they have done quite a lot of it this week. my favorite was when one of the new male teachers came and stood next to my desk for several minutes just watching me. awkwardly. apparently, he didn't want to talk, just watch. he came over later and decided to actually talk to me. awkwardly.

the conversation went as follows:
him: *coughs to get my attention* "are you a christian?"
me: this is an odd way to start a conversation with a stranger... "yes."
him: "good. me too. are you catholic or methodist?"
me: "presbyterian."
him: "no. are you catholic or methodist?"
me: "i'm a presbyterian."
him: "no. the only people who are christians are catholics and methodists."
me: what the...?? "umm, i'm a presbyterian."
him: "are your parents christians?"
me: "yes."
him: "are you happy about that?"
me: what kind of question is this?? "umm, yes."

and then he shuffled away. awkwardly.

so yeah. that's been my week. well, my school week at least.

aigoo. thank goodness it's the weekend.