28 December 2010
GD&TOP CD review
26 December 2010
20 December 2010
happy miranda is happy.
well, until today is one-upped by friday.
which is going to be FIRE.
except that they just now posted the dress code [we had to vote last week: red vs. bling bling vs. white and silver]. bling bling won. but my dress is red.
oh well. looks like i'm getting new shoes ^______^
prepare to be SUPER jealous~
all last week, there was this contest that i competed in like a crazy psycho maniac. it was on facebook, and basically you had to follow the fan page of the sponsoring korean cell phone company, like all of their posts during the week, and comment on them.
of course, i'm all about trying to be impressive so i only commented in korean:
저는 외국인니기때문에 가족과 함께 크리스마스 보낼 수 없어요ㅜ_ㅜ그래서 슬퍼요ㅠ_ㅠ파티에 너무너무 싶어요~~티켓좀 주시면 아될까요??>_<
"because i am a foreigner i can't spend Christmas with my familyㅜ_ㅜso sadㅠ_ㅠi really really want to go to the party~~can't i please have a ticket??>_<"
지디앤탑와 함께 파티에 가고 싶은데요!
"i want to go to a party with GD and T.O.P!"
저를 꼭 선택해주세요~!!>_<
"please choose me~!!>_<"
anyways, my comments were pretty popular on the forum [a crap ton of random people were liking them]. i really didn't think i was going to win, but i decided to give it a shot.
anyways, today the guest list was posted.
I'M FREAKING ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh yeah, did i mention that freaking G-DRAGON ANNDDD T.O.P are also guests at this party????
best Christmas ever?? why yes, yes it is.
17 December 2010
grade 6~~

16 December 2010
so yeah.
that explains a lot.
15 December 2010

14 December 2010
concert pictures

with coleen~~my "official" concert buddy^^

annddd, this is probably the closest i'll ever get to taking a picture "with" BIGBANG.
ahh~~check out T.O.P's hair~!

YG Family~!
day 2: with my "world famous" sign
T.O.P! i can be your english teacher!
ps~ at 5pm, G-Dragon and T.O.P [GDTOP] will be having a live "conference" thing on youtube for their upcoming album. they're supposed to sing some of the new songs, talk about them, and reveal their new music video for "high high". EXCITEMENT!!
08 December 2010
YG Family Concert Videos
the first video is BigBang and 2NE1 singing "lollipop" [2NE1's debut song from a cellphone ad], next is SE7EN and BigBang performing together in the first encore song, and finally all of YG Family singing "we are the world". [holy crap, i LOVEEE T.O.P's voice in this song~~]
06 December 2010
2010 YG Family Concert
since i'm so passionate about kpop and such, i went to two of the three performances for the 2010 YG Family Concert at olympic park stadium in seoul. for those of you who aren't familiar with YG family, it's a korean record label [officially called YGEntertainment, but oftentimes record labels are referred to as "families"]. YG is known for creating unique talents, and the current, active musicians with YG are BIGBANG, 2NE1, psy, SE7EN, and gummy.
the first concert i attended was on saturday night at 7pm, and the second show was on sunday at 2pm. each concert was slightly different: some song order changes and different clothes/hairstyles/etc. the biggest difference between the two was that at the sunday afternoon performance, all of YG family performed psy's song "champion" as a collab effort. it was amazing.
saturday, 4 december:
col and i got there really early, around 4pm, because we were kinda nervous about lines and stuff [the website said standing sections would like up 1 hour before, but sometimes the concert staff don't always follow what the site says...] we got there too late for merch, unfortunately. but we did have plenty of time to walk around, eat dinner, take pics, etc.
once we got in, we were really excited about how great our spots were. we spent the entire evening being about 3 feet away from the stage, and our section was located right in between the main stage and 2 side stages. perfectttt. also, before the concert, we were photographed by an official concert photographer. heckyess.
ohh, i was also filmed on tv.
we waited for what seemed like an eternity while whoever was in charge of the commercials tortured us with g-dragon's "g-market party" cf at least 15 times. [seriously, "welcome to the g-mar-ket, i'm captian g" is only entertaining the 1st time you hear it.] anyways, finally the lights dimmed and the band started playing the opening music. suddently, the curtain lifted, the beat picked up, and 2NE1 appeared on the stage, starting the concert off with an incredible performance of "fire". it was the perfect song to kick-start an amazing concert.
they sang two more songs, and then it was SE7EN's turn to engage the audience with a truly awesome performance. gummy followed SE7EN. of all the YG artists, she's probably the one that i am the least familiar with, mostly because her songs are more ballady, while the other artists usually perform more upbeat/pop/dancey songs. but i will say that gummy is a truly talented vocalist and pianist.
bigbang was next. the audience went wild as soon as the lights dimmed and the opening beats for "gara gara go!" were dropped. everything about their performance was great. sososososososo great. sigh.
psy was the next artist to wow the audience. holy crap, he is an amazing performer. he kept the audience jumping and dancing the entire time.
after psy, there were a bunch of collab songs between various YG artists, and a sort-of tribute to the older/nonactive YG singers 1TYM and jinusean. one of my fav tribute performances was G-Dragon and T.O.P's rendition of jinusean's "전화번호" [phone number]. they came out wearing long fur coats, and it was hilarious. immediately following, taeyang and SE7EN joined GD and T.O.P on stage to sing 1TYM's "hot 뜨거", which was also tight.
for me, the highlight performance of the night was definitely when GD and T.O.P performed their new, yet-to-be-released song 뻑이가요. OH.MY.GOSH. i mean, i'd heard the song before because they sang it at the 2010 MAMAs. but holy crap it is BANGIN' live. i cannot wait for their whole cd to be released so i can put it on my iPod and listen to it everyday. [ps this song is currently stuck in my head.] if this song is any indication of what the rest of the album is going to be like, then holy crap, it's going to be.....i can't even think of an adjective good enough to describe the awesomeness that this album will be.
another highlight performance for me was when bigbang sang the acoustic version of "하루하루" [day by day]. this is most definitely my favorite bigbang song, and i always love hearing it live. plus, the acoustic version suits the lyrics of the song so perfectly. sigh.
bigbang ended the concert, but the audience screamed for an encore [which we all knew was coming]. all of YG came onto the stage together to perform 3 final songs, first, the YG boys, then the girls, and for the final song, everyone sang together. [T.O.P's voice in the last song was particularly hot.]
it was pretty much the greatest concert. EVERRRR.
since i was so close, a few of the singers waved. AT ME!!!!! and because i was so close [literally 2-3 feet away], it's easy to tell when someone is looking/pointing/waving at you. first, minzy from 2NE1 waved, then SE7EN pointed at me, seung-ri [bigbang] waved, and gummy waved.
finally [and most importantly] T.O.P saw my sign. [and pointed//smiled]
which also means that
[stage one: making T.O.P aware of my existence--COMPLETED.]
[initiating stage two: meet T.O.P]
sunday, 5 december:
this concert was essentially the same. and also equally amazing. col and i were one section back from where we stood the night before, so we were further from the main stage, but still sandwiched in between side stages.
we got there real early because we wanted to be sure to acquire merch. i bought an autographed taeyang cd, and col bought an autographed cd from 2NE1.
also before the concert [perks of being super early], col and i were filmed AGAIN by the same guy that had filmed us the night before. but this time, we were also interviewed!! it's for some program by the discovery channel that is doing a special on visiting korea, so we were interviewed for their kpop segment. i have no idea when it will air, but OHMYGOSH i'm going to be on tv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [maybe T.O.P will see it??ㅋㅋㅋ]
anyways, we ended up being about 2 feet from the side stage. a most perfect spot from which to view and be viewed. [which is exactly what happened.]
once again, i got waved at by minzy [2NE1]. then, SE7EN stopped right in front of me and col, pointed directly at us and waved. [col had the opportunity to meet him not long ago, so it's very possible that he recognized her. which would be tight.] daesung waved at me, too^^ and then, someting k-razy happened. seung-ri stopped right in front of me, we made eye contact, i smiled, and then he waved. and then on two more, very separate occasions, he came back to where i was standing to wave, each time making eye contact. the final time, he leaned forward and pointed [eye contact!] while he was singing, so i think it's not completely farfetched to assume that he was singing at me [making the kgirls around me glare enviously]. i've known for a while that i have kind of magical, cute, puppy dog eyes. but holy crap, i had no idea they'd work on someone like seung-ri.
also, T.O.P frequented my section, definitely saw my sign again, and this time we made very brief eye contact. it was the greatest .25 seconds of my life.
ps~ seung-ri might be moving his way up to my new second fav among bigbang members, mostly because of his attention during the concert.
pss~ i decided that i really love T.O.P's new hairstyle because up close in person it legit looks hot.
psss~ G-Dragon's new hair makes him look like a pony for real for real.
01 December 2010
hello, december.
here's all the super exciting stuff that i have to look forward to:
saturday, 4 december: YG family concert. my tickets are for the floor section, stage right, in the front. i'm making a sign for T.O.P, and he will see it. ummheckyess.
sunday, 5 december: YG family concert. i'm going twice because i'm twice as awesome as normal people. or something like that...
wednesday, 15 december: T.O.P and GD's first digital single drops.
saturday, 18 december: C.N.Blue concert. yay-ness!!
friday, 24 december: this will be an especially exceptional day for two reasons. first, and most importantly, this is the day that T.O.P and GD's full-length cd will be released. EXCITEMENT!! second, this is the last day of school before my long-awaited and definitely well-deserved vacation. [and by "vacation" i mean, "not-vacation" since winter camps will starts the following monday. but, on the bright side i won't have to deal with certain...things.]
friday, 31 december: Rain's farewell concert. i also have floor seats for this concert, very close to the stage. since Rain will be joining the military for his mandatory 2-year service, this will be his last concert for a very long time. sadness.
i'm sure that december will hold other exciting things too, but these are definitely my best plans that i'm looking forward to!! this month will be a great way to send 2010 out with a bang~~
29 November 2010
when i saw the screen, i couldn't believe my eyes. a fit of mild crazy-fangirlishness, accompanied by screaming, clapping, and a happy dance ensued.
announcement #1: G-Dragon and T.O.P will be releasing a digital single on december 15!!
announcement #2: G-Dragon and T.O.P will be releasing a FREAKING FULL LENGTH ALBUM[!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] on december 24 [merry christmas to meeeeeeeee!!] a track list was even posted EEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!
announcement #3: Seung-Ri [the little brother of bigbang] will release a new solo digital single on january 3.
announcement #4: BIGBANG COMEBACK FEBRUARY 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [HECKYESSS!!!!!!]
the only thing about this announcement that kinda sorta sucks is that i have to wait two months for bigbang's korean comeback [they haven't released a korean album in freaking forever].
but in other news, OH.MY.GOSH. G-DRAGON AND T.O.P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28 November 2010
hottness overload
also, last week i discovered the tragical news that my beloved T.O.P had destroyed his beautifully perfect hair by dying it. BLONDE. i was disgusted, heartbroken, and enraged. i desperately wanted to find the person who had done this horrible thing to him, and i dunno, injure them or something.
but then, after watching his performance tonight, i decided that he is super attractive no matter what his hair looks like, and he can kinda rock the blonde. although his black hair is much hotter.
YG countdown
i'm currently watching the 2010 Mnet Asian Music Awards [MAMAs]. 2PM just won an award for their dance in their video "I'll Be Back", which is completely ridiculous because it's essentially them doing the running man for three and a half minutes. clearly the judges are on crack. or just saw the name "2PM" without actually watching the video.
anyways, i'm mostly just trying to waste time until 12am, when YG's countdown is finished. i'm positively dying to know what it's for!! no hints at all, just wild speculation. i'm hoping it's something bigbang related...like a new music video, song, official date for their korean comeback, T.O.P's phone number, etc. etc. etc.
in other news, i hate surprises.
YG, you're killing me!!
16 November 2010
variety tv
something unique about korean variety/reality programs is that it's usually only famous singers/actors that appear on the shows. there are very few programs [that i've seen] that have ordinary people on them.
anyways, infinity challenge is one variety show that i'll watch when i can because i think that the comedians on the show are absolutely hilarious. last week, i saw an episode where they parodied bigbang's "haru haru" [my fave bigbang song^^] sooo funny:
annddd, here's another one they did of girls' generation's "gee".
only in korea...
12 November 2010

T.O.P~~i love him.
[yeahhh~~i had some free time after i finished my korean homework...]
08 November 2010
i have a kitty~!!

05 November 2010
korean level up~!
[i study korean very hard every day, and i like to practice it.]
this past week, i had a pretty important test with my korean tutor. part1: interview. part2: write a story. luckily, i passed! and she told me that i had "levelled up", which makes me feel like i'm part of a video game or somethingㅋㅋ
anyways, the story writing was pretty difficult. my assignment was to write a story about whatever i wanted as long as it contained the following ten words:
창문 [changmoon]: window 문 [moon]: door
자판기 [japangi]: vending machine 휴지통 [hyujitong]: trashcan
정수기 [jungsoogi]: water purifier 복도 [bokdo]: hallway
엘리베이터 [aellibaeitu]: elevator 계단 [kyedan]: stairs
소화기 [sohwagi]: fire extinguisher 비상구 [bisanggu]: emergency exit
anyways, my tutor said that my story was clever and funny, so she made me read it later to other people. quite frankly, i'm just proud of myself for being able to write something that kinda halfway makes sense.
so here it is, for your reading enjoyment:
"미나가 탑을 만난 이야기"
저는 창문하고 비상구 사이에서 친구를 기다리고 있었어요. 문이 갑자기 열렸어요. 남자가 방에 왔어요. 탑이 었어요! 저는 놀라서 아무말도 못 했어요.
탑이 자판기로 걸어가서 콜라를 샀어요. 그것을 마신 후에 그는 빈 캔을 휴지통에 버렸어요.
저는 목이 말라서 물을 마시고 싶었어요. 그래서 정수기에 갔어요. 저는 물을 빨리 마셨어요.
그때 탑이 복도로 가서 저는 그를 따라갔어요. 탑이 엘리베이터를 탔어요. 그리고 저는 계단으로 내려 갔어요.
저는 먼저 도착해서 소화기 옆에서 기다렸어요. 저는 탑을 다시 한번 봤어요! 하지만 이번에 그에게 얘기했어요.
"저는 당신의 팬이에요. 왜냐하면 당신은 정말 잘생겼어요~~그리고 멋있어요!"
그 다음에 저는 잠이 깼어요. 그것은 단지 꿈이었어요!
04 November 2010
최승현~~생일 정말 축하해요*^^*

03 November 2010
저는 너무 바빠요~!
8:30am--arrive at school
9-12:30pm--teach classes
12:30-1pm--lunch time
5-6pm--grocery shopping at lotte mart [only on tuesday]
1-4:40pm--varies [teach afternoon classes, plan lessons, study korean]

pictured: me.
01 November 2010

everything about this man is HOTT.
30 October 2010
operation: ticket acquisition

so now, it's operation: clever, non-creepy, attention grabbing signage. i seriously need to think of something good enough to possibly get me on tv//the concert screen, and also get T.O.P's attention. it's time to move to the next stage of my plan: make T.O.P aware of my existence [in a total non-creeperish/stalkerish way]. also, my sign should be in korean. because that's just so much more impressive.
28 October 2010
seoulland is an amusement park, but personally, i found it to be much less exciting than the other parks i've visited in korea: lotteworld and everland.
i went with my neighbor [jayme] and three of our korean friends. jayme and i had to go to a wedding that afternoon, so we weren't able to get to seoulland until very late--almost 6:00!!
since we were entering with free tickets, we were only allowed to ride 3 rides. luckily, one of the ride attendants didn't punch our card so we got to ride a fourth for free^^
the first roller coaster we went on was [or at least, appeared to be] the biggest ride in the park. it was the most exciting thing that we rode~~it went in upside-down loops and had a bunch of twists and turns. next, we rode something that looked like a free fall drop. but, it dropped really slow, and the most exciting part of the ride was the ascent [because that was super fast]. our third ride was a log flume water ride. we didn't get very wet [luckily...it was freezing that night!] and for the last ride, we went on this horrible thing that spins you around, upside down, super fast, and makes you feel like you are dying.
we left when the park closed at 9. overall, it was a good time~~i always enjoy hanging out with friends. the park was fun...but, i still definitely prefer lotteworld.
27 October 2010
bukbu english festival
anyways, the event was supposed to start at 2pm. at 1:30pm, i was informed that i was supposed to be performing with my students. now normally, this wouldn't be a problem at all, except that my students were performing a song. in sign language. the song we performed was called "i will", which i have never heard before in my life. the students desperately tried to teach me, and i struggled to learn very quickly.
and then, my school's principal showed up to watch. excellent.
basically, it ended up being like napoleon dynamite's happy hands club. except with me as napoleon.
yep. it was pretty much exactly like this.
25 October 2010
6th grade trip~

11 October 2010
seoul soul festival 2010

SE7EN--ack! sooo close!!

ohh man...he looks like he's looking straight at my camera~~EEEEKKK~!

너무 멋있어요 *^^*
08 October 2010
adventures in desk warming [part five]
i just made an [important??] discovery. U-KISS released their newest music video for the song 시끄러 [shut up]. the song is pretty good [i usually like the stuff they put out...it's really dance-y].
also...the movie stars a white girl, a "trend" i've been noticing lately. bigbang's latest music video [for "beautiful hangover"] also starred a white girl, and narsha's song "mamma mia" featured two white guys in the video. sooo, i think i've found my true calling in life: to be the white-girl star of a kpop music video. and by "kpop" i mean bigbang. and by "bigbang" i mean T.O.P.
also, hello, future husband. sigh.
07 October 2010
06 October 2010
adventures in desk warming [part three]
internet shopping.
on an unrelated, happy note:
i am completely obsessed with the korean shopping site, g-market. it's pretty similar to amazon.com, and it's the greatest thing ever.
today, i purchased a piano on g-market. it's small but may or may not fit in my apartment. so my bed may be looking for a new home.
this was not an impulse buy. last year, i bought a really small, cheap, electronic keyboard. it works great, but it only has 61 [unweighted] keys. a real piano should have 88 [weighted]. to a lot of people, this wouldn't be a problem. except that i have played the piano for more than 13 years, and i really miss being able to play chopin.
my new piano is real pretty, and i am eagerly anticipating its arrival!!
05 October 2010
adventures in desk warming [part two]
it takes me twenty minutes to walk to work. usually, the walk is quite dull, and even though i listen to music i often get bored. sometimes, to keep myself aware of my surroundings, i play games.
my favorite is a guessing game that i like to call "guy or girl?" sometimes, especially from a distance, people can appear to be androgynous. i attribute that to the fact that many of the styles here are unisex [this sometimes extends even to hairstyle]. also, a shockingly large number of men wear makeup.
the rules for my game are simple: i see someone from a distance, guess whether they are a guy or a girl, and then when they get close enough for me to tell i am awarded a point. if i guess correctly, it's +1 point, a wrong guess is -1 point, and if i still can't tell even when the individual is right in front of me, it's -2 points.
today's score: -2.
F.T Island. 사랑 사랑 사랑 [love love love].
this song is not new, but i really like it. [actually, F.T Island has recently found their way onto my "top 5 favorite male kpop groups" list.]

04 October 2010
child star
this is because the new student is...
apparently, she's a relatively famous child actress in korea. her most recent film was 그랑프리 [grand prix], a movie about horse racing that was released over the chuseok holiday. in this movie, she starred alongside actress 김태희 [kim tae hee], who is one of korea's most famous actresses [kim tae hee was also in the tv drama "iris" with T.O.P].
anyways, i guess my school is kinda famous now. too bad the girl is a first grade student, which means i don't get to teach her.
adventures in desk warming [part one]
since i have no real work to do, and i have ample time to search the internet...you can expect more posts like this to follow.
this is bigbang's newest cellphone ad. it popped up on my homepage this morning. it's annoyingly cute. also, i officially hate the smurfette, and g-dragon has awesome hair.

탑이랑 결혼하고 싶어요 *^^*

he has the greatest hair ever. EVER.
03 October 2010
for the record, my skirt was NOT that short...
01 October 2010
i thought it was just going to be the standard teacher group shot. that's the only yearbook picture i was in last year. in the previous yearbook, for my single shot they used the picture from my arc [alien registration card] which they obtained...somehow.
anyways, after the group shot was taken, my coteacher turned to me and said, "we don't have a picture of you to photoshop. so you should take a solo picture."
i mean, i knew beforehand that all yearbook photos were photoshopped. last year, they put one teacher in charge of digitally altering ALL of the students' photos. i'm not exactly sure why you'd want to change the picture of an eight-year-old, but the teacher diligently spent about 15 minutes per photo, enlarging the eyes, whitening the skin, and removing any freckles or moles from the faces.
aigoo. i can only imagine what my picture is going to end up looking like. i can see it going one of two ways: either they try to make me look more korean, or they fix my picture the same way they do everyone else's and i end up looking like an anime character. excellent.
also this morning, my coteacher explained to me that the only teachers who had to have an individual photo taken were either: 1.) new, or 2.) wanted a "face upgrade".
in other news, the new substitute music teacher--an fifty-something man with kramer hair--is sitting in the corner of my office talking to himself. this has been going on for a while.
29 September 2010
the second concert was amazing and perfect in every way, just like the first performance. there were a few minor differences, and two major differences between the two. the minor differences included slightly different dances and lyrics.
the concert began with the intro track from solar playing, along with a video showing taeyang entering the concert hall. the lights dimmed. the fangirls screamed. and then, slowly, a white circle was lowered down onto the center of the stage. taeyang, dressed in a quite bling-y white outfit with his signature aviators, was standing in the circle. he stepped onto the stage and the band began to play the opening notes of 기도 [prayer]. i screamed enthusiastically--기도 is my favorite taeyang song.
my one criticism is that he sang the song "you're my" which i absolutely and utterly despise because it is pretty much the worst song ever [ok, so maybe not...but it's not good]. although, i will admit that hearing it live is approximatly one million times better than hearing the recording. also, when taeyang sang "you're my" he was looking pretty spiffy [and by "spiffy" i mean "hott"] in a suit.
the best outfits [worn by taeyang and his backup dancers] were, in my opinion, the ones worn during the songs "superstar" and "breakdown" [<--my favorite song from solar]. they looked like part of a drum line: red military style jackets with white pants worn by the guys, and the girls wore the red jackets with red miniskirts, white boots, and red hats with a white poofy feather on the front. sooo cool.
actually, "breakdown" was probably my favorite performance during the show. i lovelovelove the song, the outfits were amazing, and the choreography was excellent. also, taeyang just looked like he was having a lot of fun during that song.
IU was there as a guest performer both nights. [she's so cute.] she and taeyang sang a duet, and then she sang a solo song. both songs were in english. [taeyang sang 2 other songs in english as well during the concert.] it was quite impressive.
he ended the concert with a remixed version of 나만 바라봐 [only look at me]. sooo amazing. after finishing the song, he walked off the stage and the lights dimmed. but the audience wanted more, screaming for an encore for several minutes. suddenly, the band began to play once again, and taeyang came back [as we all knew he would]! he sang "where u at" and "take it slow"--a perfect encore. "take it slow" is a song written by taeyang himself, and is absolutely gorgeous live; it suits his voice so perfectly [and that boy can sing].
both the saturday and sunday show were like that...but, on sunday...
...OH.MY.GOSH. 2NE1 was there!! they are definitely my favorite of the kpop girl groups, and they sang 2 songs off of their new album: "can't nobody" and "go away".
also on sunday...
i went running back into the concert hall. some security people said something to me, but i didn't listen. i didn't care. all i knew was that taeyang was walking back onto the stage and i was absolutely going to be there to see it. due to my quickness and stealth, i found myself FREAKING EIGHT FEET from the stage and from taeyang himself. OH.MY.GOSH. i nearly died.
also--and importantly--i'm pretty sure that taeyang saw the sign i made. [결혼하고 싶어요 "i want to marry you".] me and my sign also [briefly] made it onto the screen during the second encore ANNDDD, before the concert, me and my sign were filmed by someone from some tv show. which means that my plan of making bigbang aware of my existence is moving along quite nicely. excellent.
during the second encore, taeyang sang 나만 바라봐 and "take it slow". during 나만 바라봐, he let the audience sing the chorus, and it was beautiful and wonderful and amazing and perfect. i really didn't want it to end.

the concert hall at kyunghee university.

me and my famous sign...with taeyang ^^

coleen, allison, and me...sooo ready for the saturday night performance

at the sunday night show...the crown headband is totally legit [it's bigbang's symbol]
i was THAT close during the second encore on sunday--EEEEKKKK~!

OH.MY.GOSHHHHH. [i stole this picture from coleen ㅋㅋㅋ]
26 September 2010

above: hottness.